Hundreds of emails enter our inboxes every day. How can you make yours stand out amongst all this “noise” and most importantly, get read?

Despite some claims about the imminent death of email marketing, the future of email marketing is safe – it ain’t going anywhere. As an integrated marketing agency, we run creative and targeted email campaigns for clients to great effect. So, grab a pen and write this down, here are some of our top tips when it comes to email marketing.

So, you may be wondering what is so great about email marketing. Firstly, email marketing has the potential to reach huge audiences. Think about it – according to Pew Research, 92% of online adults use email, with 61% using it on an average day. The total number of worldwide email accounts is expected to increase to over 4.3 billion accounts by year-end 2016 as stated by Radicati Group.

Here are some potential email marketing wins:

  • Email marketing has an ROI of 3800%. (DMA)
  • Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter. (McKinsey)

If those stats don’t make you want to start drafting an email marketing campaign now, we don’t know what will.

Top Tips:

Let’s Talk Titles

Start by thinking about what types of titles would make YOU open an email? Then, do your research. It’s really important that you take the time to get to know your audience and its preferences. Emails which are tailored to your audience are far more likely to generate positive action.

  • Include the recipient name in the subject line
  • Use emojis to make your email stand out in a busy inbox
  • Use questions, call to actions – something to entice the recipient to open the email to find out more

Mobile-Friendly is a Must

With so many people accessing emails on their mobile phones, if your email is not mobile responsive, it won’t work on these devices and this is a massive no-no. About 53% of emails are opened on mobile devices according to Campaign Monitor. You can’t afford to miss out on such a large percentage of people.

Cater for the Lazy Reader

What would you rather read, reams and reams of text, or lovely concise bullet points with pictures? It’s a no-brainer. Short content is far more likely to get read. Obviously, it’s got to be exciting and informative too (but that surely goes without saying?)

  • Short is good
  • Make the content scan-able
  • Break up with headers, subtitles, short paragraphs, images, infographics

By making your content scannable, you massively increase its appeal, so more people will read it and positively engage with it.

This is a super brief overview of some of the common downfalls in email marketing for business. So, for more information on how to create and manage an email marketing campaign for your business, please call Zool on 01625 238770 or email us at [email protected].

Everything You Need to Know About Email Marketing


Hundreds of emails enter our inboxes every day. How can you make yours stand out amongst all this “noise” and most importantly, get read?

Despite some claims about the imminent death of email marketing, the future of email marketing is safe – it ain’t going anywhere. As an integrated marketing agency, we run creative and targeted email campaigns for clients to great effect. So, grab a pen and write this down, here are some of our top tips when it comes to email marketing.

So, you may be wondering what is so great about email marketing. Firstly, email marketing has the potential to reach huge audiences. Think about it – according to Pew Research, 92% of online adults use email, with 61% using it on an average day. The total number of worldwide email accounts is expected to increase to over 4.3 billion accounts by year-end 2016 as stated by Radicati Group.

Here are some potential email marketing wins:

  • Email marketing has an ROI of 3800%. (DMA)
  • Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter. (McKinsey)

If those stats don’t make you want to start drafting an email marketing campaign now, we don’t know what will.

Top Tips:

Let’s Talk Titles

Start by thinking about what types of titles would make YOU open an email? Then, do your research. It’s really important that you take the time to get to know your audience and its preferences. Emails which are tailored to your audience are far more likely to generate positive action.

  • Include the recipient name in the subject line
  • Use emojis to make your email stand out in a busy inbox
  • Use questions, call to actions – something to entice the recipient to open the email to find out more

Mobile-Friendly is a Must

With so many people accessing emails on their mobile phones, if your email is not mobile responsive, it won’t work on these devices and this is a massive no-no. About 53% of emails are opened on mobile devices according to Campaign Monitor. You can’t afford to miss out on such a large percentage of people.

Cater for the Lazy Reader

What would you rather read, reams and reams of text, or lovely concise bullet points with pictures? It’s a no-brainer. Short content is far more likely to get read. Obviously, it’s got to be exciting and informative too (but that surely goes without saying?)

  • Short is good
  • Make the content scan-able
  • Break up with headers, subtitles, short paragraphs, images, infographics

By making your content scannable, you massively increase its appeal, so more people will read it and positively engage with it.

This is a super brief overview of some of the common downfalls in email marketing for business. So, for more information on how to create and manage an email marketing campaign for your business, please call Zool on 01625 238770 or email us at [email protected].
