Scientific posters are vital for communicating research findings to a broad audience. They provide a visual summary of complex scientific information, making it easier for viewers to understand and engage with the research. However, creating an effective scientific poster can be challenging, mainly in terms of presenting complex information in an accessible way.

The key to designing a successful scientific poster lies in understanding your audience, simplifying your message, telling a compelling story, and making an impact. This blog post will explore these strategies in detail, providing tips and best practices for creating scientific posters that effectively communicate complex research findings. Whether you’re a scientist looking to present your research at a conference or simply someone interested in learning more about effective science communication, this post will provide valuable insights into the art of scientific poster design.

Know Your Audience

Tailoring your scientific poster to your intended audience is essential to communicate your message effectively. Different audiences have varying levels of knowledge and expertise and may have other interests than your research findings. Thus, understanding your audience is the first step in creating a poster to engage and inform them.

There are different types of audiences that you may encounter when presenting a scientific poster. Scientists within your field will likely have a deep understanding of the technical details of your research, and they may be interested in the methodology, results, and implications of your study. Conversely, laypeople may not have the same level of technical expertise. They may be interested in the broader impact of your research or how it relates to their daily lives. Industry professionals may be interested in the practical applications of your research or how it can be commercialised.

To determine the level of detail and technical language to use based on your audience, consider the following tips:

  • Research your audience: Before creating your poster, take the time to research your audience and understand their background and expertise. This may involve reviewing the conference program and attendee list or contacting organisers.
  • Consider the goals of your audience: Think about what your audience hopes to gain from your poster. Are they looking for new research findings? Are they interested in the practical applications of your research? Understanding their goals will help you tailor your message accordingly.
  • Use plain language: When presenting to a lay audience, it is essential to use simple language accessible to non-experts. Avoid technical jargon and use analogies or metaphors to help explain complex concepts.
  • Provide context: Regardless of your audience, providing context for your research is crucial. This may involve explaining the problem you are trying to solve or giving background information on your field of study.
  • Focus on the key findings: When presenting to a general audience, it is essential to focus on the most critical findings from your research. Keep your message simple and avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information.

By tailoring your scientific poster to your intended audience, you can ensure that your message is communicated effectively and that your research findings are understood and appreciated by those who matter most.

Simplify Your Message

We have briefly touched on the fact that distilling complex information into a clear, concise message is crucial in creating an effective scientific poster – so let’s explore this further. With limited space and time, it is essential to focus on the key findings of your research and present them in a way that is easy to understand. This is where the “elevator pitch” concept can be beneficial.

The elevator pitch is a concise, well-crafted summary of your research that can be delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator with someone. It is designed to capture your audience’s attention and convey essential information about your research quickly. Applying this concept to poster design means creating a clear and concise message that your audience can quickly understand.

Here are some tips for using visual aids to help convey your message:

  • Use diagrams and infographics: Visual aids such as diagrams, infographics, and charts can effectively present complex information clearly and concisely. They can help you communicate your research findings quickly and effectively and make your poster more visually appealing.
  • Choose the right visual aids: When selecting visual aids, it is essential to choose those that best represent your research findings. Think about the key concepts you want to convey and choose visual aids to help you illustrate them effectively.
  • Keep it simple: When creating visual aids, it is essential to keep them simple and easy to understand. Avoid cluttering your poster with too many visuals or overwhelming your audience with too much information. We can always add a QR code to your poster that your audience can scan to find out more.
  • Use captions and labels: Captions and tags can help guide your audience through your visual aids and provide additional context for your research findings. Include clear, concise captions and labels for all visual aids.

By distilling complex information into a clear, concise message and using effective visual aids, you can create a scientific poster that effectively communicates your research findings to your intended audience. Remember to keep your message simple and accessible and focus on the most important results of your research.

Tell a Story

Framing your research as a story can be a powerful way to engage your audience and communicate your research findings. A well-crafted research story can help you connect with your audience on an emotional level, make your research more memorable, and highlight the impact of your work.

A compelling research story typically includes several key elements, including:

  • The problem: A good story begins with a problem that needs to be solved. This could be a gap in current knowledge, an unanswered question, or a pressing issue that needs to be addressed.
  • The solution: Once the problem has been identified, the story should move on to the solution. This could be a research question, methodology, or approach developed to address the issue.
  • The impact: Finally, a good research story should highlight the impact of the work. This could include implications for future research, practical applications, or broader societal impact.

Here are some tips for incorporating storytelling into your poster design:

  • Use visuals to tell your story: Visual aids such as diagrams, infographics, and images can effectively convey your research story. Use visuals that illustrate your problem, solution, and impact to help your audience follow along.
  • Create a clear narrative arc: Your research story should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use headings and subheadings to guide your audience through the story, and make sure each section builds on the previous one.
  • Use storytelling techniques: Incorporate storytelling techniques such as anecdotes, metaphors, and analogies to help make your research more memorable and engaging.
  • Connect with your audience: Remember to connect with your audience on an emotional level. Think about the broader implications of your research and how it relates to your audience’s lives or interests.

By framing your research as a story and incorporating storytelling techniques into your poster design, you can create a more engaging and memorable poster that effectively communicates your research findings to your intended audience.

Design for Impact

As a marketing agency, we know design is crucial in capturing viewers’ attention and making your scientific poster stand out. A well-designed poster can help you effectively communicate your research findings and engage your audience.

Here are some of our best practices when we are working with clients on scientific poster design:

  • Font choice: Choose a font that is easy to read and appropriate for the context. Avoid using decorative or unusual fonts that may be difficult to read. Use bold or italic fonts to emphasise key points.
  • Colour scheme: Choose a colour scheme that is visually appealing and consistent with your research topic and brand colours. Use colours to highlight important information and create contrast between different sections of your poster.
  • Layout: Plan your layout carefully to create a logical flow of information. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make your poster easy to scan. Leave plenty of white space to avoid clutter.
  • Visual aids: Use visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and images to help convey your research findings. Make sure they are clear, easy to understand, and visually appealing.
  • Consistency: Use a consistent design throughout your poster. Choose a consistent font, colour scheme, and layout to create a cohesive look.

Here are some additional tips for creating a visually appealing and engaging poster:

  • Keep it simple: Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information or visual elements. Keep your message clear and concise, and focus on the most important findings of your research. As mentioned, we can always add a QR code that your audience can scan to find out more.
  • Use high-quality images: Use high-quality images that are clear and well-composed. Avoid using low-resolution images or images that are pixelated or blurry.
  • Test your poster: Test your poster with colleagues or peers before presenting it. Get feedback on the clarity of your message, the effectiveness of your visual aids, and the overall design of your poster.

By following these best practices and tips, you can create a visually appealing and engaging scientific poster that effectively communicates your research findings to your intended audience. Remember to keep your message clear and concise and focus on the most important results of your research.

In conclusion, effective scientific poster design is crucial for communicating complex research clearly and concisely. By tailoring your poster to your intended audience, distilling complex information into a clear message, framing your research as a story, and using design to capture viewers’ attention, you can create a compelling poster that effectively communicates your research findings.

Remember to keep your message clear and concise, use visual aids to help convey your message, and incorporate storytelling elements to make your poster engaging and memorable.

At Zool, we understand the importance of effective scientific poster design, and we are here to help you create a poster that effectively communicates your research findings. Whether you are presenting to scientists, laypeople, or industry professionals, we can help you tailor your message to your intended audience and create a visually appealing and engaging poster.

We hope this post has provided valuable insights and strategies for designing effective scientific posters. We encourage you to put these strategies into practice and work with Zool to create a poster that effectively communicates your research findings. With our expertise in design and communication, we can help you create a poster that stands out and makes an impact.

If you would like help with your research poster submission for the Alderley Park Poster Day on May 9th – get in touch!

Bridging the Gap: Strategies for Communicating Complex Science with Posters


Scientific posters are vital for communicating research findings to a broad audience. They provide a visual summary of complex scientific information, making it easier for viewers to understand and engage with the research. However, creating an effective scientific poster can be challenging, mainly in terms of presenting complex information in an accessible way.

The key to designing a successful scientific poster lies in understanding your audience, simplifying your message, telling a compelling story, and making an impact. This blog post will explore these strategies in detail, providing tips and best practices for creating scientific posters that effectively communicate complex research findings. Whether you’re a scientist looking to present your research at a conference or simply someone interested in learning more about effective science communication, this post will provide valuable insights into the art of scientific poster design.

Know Your Audience

Tailoring your scientific poster to your intended audience is essential to communicate your message effectively. Different audiences have varying levels of knowledge and expertise and may have other interests than your research findings. Thus, understanding your audience is the first step in creating a poster to engage and inform them.

There are different types of audiences that you may encounter when presenting a scientific poster. Scientists within your field will likely have a deep understanding of the technical details of your research, and they may be interested in the methodology, results, and implications of your study. Conversely, laypeople may not have the same level of technical expertise. They may be interested in the broader impact of your research or how it relates to their daily lives. Industry professionals may be interested in the practical applications of your research or how it can be commercialised.

To determine the level of detail and technical language to use based on your audience, consider the following tips:

  • Research your audience: Before creating your poster, take the time to research your audience and understand their background and expertise. This may involve reviewing the conference program and attendee list or contacting organisers.
  • Consider the goals of your audience: Think about what your audience hopes to gain from your poster. Are they looking for new research findings? Are they interested in the practical applications of your research? Understanding their goals will help you tailor your message accordingly.
  • Use plain language: When presenting to a lay audience, it is essential to use simple language accessible to non-experts. Avoid technical jargon and use analogies or metaphors to help explain complex concepts.
  • Provide context: Regardless of your audience, providing context for your research is crucial. This may involve explaining the problem you are trying to solve or giving background information on your field of study.
  • Focus on the key findings: When presenting to a general audience, it is essential to focus on the most critical findings from your research. Keep your message simple and avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information.

By tailoring your scientific poster to your intended audience, you can ensure that your message is communicated effectively and that your research findings are understood and appreciated by those who matter most.

Simplify Your Message

We have briefly touched on the fact that distilling complex information into a clear, concise message is crucial in creating an effective scientific poster – so let’s explore this further. With limited space and time, it is essential to focus on the key findings of your research and present them in a way that is easy to understand. This is where the “elevator pitch” concept can be beneficial.

The elevator pitch is a concise, well-crafted summary of your research that can be delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator with someone. It is designed to capture your audience’s attention and convey essential information about your research quickly. Applying this concept to poster design means creating a clear and concise message that your audience can quickly understand.

Here are some tips for using visual aids to help convey your message:

  • Use diagrams and infographics: Visual aids such as diagrams, infographics, and charts can effectively present complex information clearly and concisely. They can help you communicate your research findings quickly and effectively and make your poster more visually appealing.
  • Choose the right visual aids: When selecting visual aids, it is essential to choose those that best represent your research findings. Think about the key concepts you want to convey and choose visual aids to help you illustrate them effectively.
  • Keep it simple: When creating visual aids, it is essential to keep them simple and easy to understand. Avoid cluttering your poster with too many visuals or overwhelming your audience with too much information. We can always add a QR code to your poster that your audience can scan to find out more.
  • Use captions and labels: Captions and tags can help guide your audience through your visual aids and provide additional context for your research findings. Include clear, concise captions and labels for all visual aids.

By distilling complex information into a clear, concise message and using effective visual aids, you can create a scientific poster that effectively communicates your research findings to your intended audience. Remember to keep your message simple and accessible and focus on the most important results of your research.

Tell a Story

Framing your research as a story can be a powerful way to engage your audience and communicate your research findings. A well-crafted research story can help you connect with your audience on an emotional level, make your research more memorable, and highlight the impact of your work.

A compelling research story typically includes several key elements, including:

  • The problem: A good story begins with a problem that needs to be solved. This could be a gap in current knowledge, an unanswered question, or a pressing issue that needs to be addressed.
  • The solution: Once the problem has been identified, the story should move on to the solution. This could be a research question, methodology, or approach developed to address the issue.
  • The impact: Finally, a good research story should highlight the impact of the work. This could include implications for future research, practical applications, or broader societal impact.

Here are some tips for incorporating storytelling into your poster design:

  • Use visuals to tell your story: Visual aids such as diagrams, infographics, and images can effectively convey your research story. Use visuals that illustrate your problem, solution, and impact to help your audience follow along.
  • Create a clear narrative arc: Your research story should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use headings and subheadings to guide your audience through the story, and make sure each section builds on the previous one.
  • Use storytelling techniques: Incorporate storytelling techniques such as anecdotes, metaphors, and analogies to help make your research more memorable and engaging.
  • Connect with your audience: Remember to connect with your audience on an emotional level. Think about the broader implications of your research and how it relates to your audience’s lives or interests.

By framing your research as a story and incorporating storytelling techniques into your poster design, you can create a more engaging and memorable poster that effectively communicates your research findings to your intended audience.

Design for Impact

As a marketing agency, we know design is crucial in capturing viewers’ attention and making your scientific poster stand out. A well-designed poster can help you effectively communicate your research findings and engage your audience.

Here are some of our best practices when we are working with clients on scientific poster design:

  • Font choice: Choose a font that is easy to read and appropriate for the context. Avoid using decorative or unusual fonts that may be difficult to read. Use bold or italic fonts to emphasise key points.
  • Colour scheme: Choose a colour scheme that is visually appealing and consistent with your research topic and brand colours. Use colours to highlight important information and create contrast between different sections of your poster.
  • Layout: Plan your layout carefully to create a logical flow of information. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to make your poster easy to scan. Leave plenty of white space to avoid clutter.
  • Visual aids: Use visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and images to help convey your research findings. Make sure they are clear, easy to understand, and visually appealing.
  • Consistency: Use a consistent design throughout your poster. Choose a consistent font, colour scheme, and layout to create a cohesive look.

Here are some additional tips for creating a visually appealing and engaging poster:

  • Keep it simple: Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information or visual elements. Keep your message clear and concise, and focus on the most important findings of your research. As mentioned, we can always add a QR code that your audience can scan to find out more.
  • Use high-quality images: Use high-quality images that are clear and well-composed. Avoid using low-resolution images or images that are pixelated or blurry.
  • Test your poster: Test your poster with colleagues or peers before presenting it. Get feedback on the clarity of your message, the effectiveness of your visual aids, and the overall design of your poster.

By following these best practices and tips, you can create a visually appealing and engaging scientific poster that effectively communicates your research findings to your intended audience. Remember to keep your message clear and concise and focus on the most important results of your research.

In conclusion, effective scientific poster design is crucial for communicating complex research clearly and concisely. By tailoring your poster to your intended audience, distilling complex information into a clear message, framing your research as a story, and using design to capture viewers’ attention, you can create a compelling poster that effectively communicates your research findings.

Remember to keep your message clear and concise, use visual aids to help convey your message, and incorporate storytelling elements to make your poster engaging and memorable.

At Zool, we understand the importance of effective scientific poster design, and we are here to help you create a poster that effectively communicates your research findings. Whether you are presenting to scientists, laypeople, or industry professionals, we can help you tailor your message to your intended audience and create a visually appealing and engaging poster.

We hope this post has provided valuable insights and strategies for designing effective scientific posters. We encourage you to put these strategies into practice and work with Zool to create a poster that effectively communicates your research findings. With our expertise in design and communication, we can help you create a poster that stands out and makes an impact.

If you would like help with your research poster submission for the Alderley Park Poster Day on May 9th – get in touch!
