Google News

The SEO world is constantly changing, and keeping up with all these changes can be challenging. Keep up-to-date with the latest SEO news with our short recap of the topics below.

Google has introduced MultiSearch, which allows users to point their phone at something or take a photo and then supplement that image with a keyword to search for. Multisearch is also getting a variation called “scene exploration”, where you can point your Google Lens at a product and allow Google to filter out the one you should pick. It is also going local, so you can add the words “near me” to search for the product in a location near you.

Google also announced an immersive view for Google Maps in May. This update takes data about a location, images and maps and turns them into new visuals to browse, making it easier to explore the area you are about to visit.

There has also been an announcement about voice search with Google saying they will make it easier for people to have more natural conversations with their virtual assistant.

Google has also updated the Search Console by adding a dedicated video report section that gives us information on which pages on a site have videos and how they are performing in search.

Google has also added a couple of new metrics to their Core Web Vitals – the metrics they use to measure the speed of a web page. These two new metrics are 

  • INP (interaction to next paint) – calculating how long it takes for a loaded page to respond to interactions 
  • TTFB (time to first byte) – how long it takes your server to respond to queries

Other Tech News

Apple. Google and Microsoft have recently announced that they will implement passwordless sign-in. We will keep an eye on this, as customers might prefer this way of signing into sites in the future.

Shopify announced that they had acquired Deliverr – a fulfilment and modern logistics solutions company – allowing for end-to-end shopping as the delivery integration will handle logistics, shipping and storage imagery.

There has been a call for the SEO and search industry to improve crawling to be more environmentally friendly and less costly, as downloading CSS is a very cumbersome and expensive process that costs money in electricity for servers and data warehouses. 

SEO News Round-Up for May 2022


Google News

The SEO world is constantly changing, and keeping up with all these changes can be challenging. Keep up-to-date with the latest SEO news with our short recap of the topics below.

Google has introduced MultiSearch, which allows users to point their phone at something or take a photo and then supplement that image with a keyword to search for. Multisearch is also getting a variation called “scene exploration”, where you can point your Google Lens at a product and allow Google to filter out the one you should pick. It is also going local, so you can add the words “near me” to search for the product in a location near you.

Google also announced an immersive view for Google Maps in May. This update takes data about a location, images and maps and turns them into new visuals to browse, making it easier to explore the area you are about to visit.

There has also been an announcement about voice search with Google saying they will make it easier for people to have more natural conversations with their virtual assistant.

Google has also updated the Search Console by adding a dedicated video report section that gives us information on which pages on a site have videos and how they are performing in search.

Google has also added a couple of new metrics to their Core Web Vitals – the metrics they use to measure the speed of a web page. These two new metrics are 

  • INP (interaction to next paint) – calculating how long it takes for a loaded page to respond to interactions 
  • TTFB (time to first byte) – how long it takes your server to respond to queries

Other Tech News

Apple. Google and Microsoft have recently announced that they will implement passwordless sign-in. We will keep an eye on this, as customers might prefer this way of signing into sites in the future.

Shopify announced that they had acquired Deliverr – a fulfilment and modern logistics solutions company – allowing for end-to-end shopping as the delivery integration will handle logistics, shipping and storage imagery.

There has been a call for the SEO and search industry to improve crawling to be more environmentally friendly and less costly, as downloading CSS is a very cumbersome and expensive process that costs money in electricity for servers and data warehouses. 
